Michel Boivin, Ph.D.


Professor, Psychology Department , Laval University
Canada Research Chair on Child Social Development

Mailing Address

Laval University
Pav. F-A Savard, Quebec
G1K 7P4

Tel: 656-2131, ext. 2825
Fax: 656-3646
E-mail: Michel.Boivin@psy.ulaval.ca

Appointments, cross appointments, fellowships

Michel Boivin is Professor of Psychology and, since 2004, Canada Research Chair on Child Social Development at the School of Psychology of Laval University. He completed his Ph.D. in psychology in 1986, and undertook postdoctoral studies at the University of Denver and at the University of Colorado ( Boulder). Since his return to Laval University, he was SSHRC Canada Research Fellow (1987-90) and CIHR senior investigator (2000-04). He is now member of the executive committee, and director at Laval University, of the Research Unit on Children's Psycho-Social Maladjustment (GRIP), a interdisciplinary and inter-university research center investigating risk and protective factors influencing children's development. He also chairs the Scientific Committee of the Knowledge Center for Early Childhood Learning. Dr. Boivin's main research interests concern children' social behaviors, peer relationships, and school adjustment. He is currently co-PI in three large scale population based longitudinal studies investigating the developmental trajectories of these outcomes, as well as their early biological and environmental determinants.

Research Interests

Peer relations, Peer rejection and victimisation, Aggressive behaviors, Behavior inhibition, social withdrawal and shyness, Parenting, Early socioemotional development, School readiness and school adjustment, Behavior genetics.


  1. Boivin, M., Pérusse, D., Dionne, G., Saysset, V., Zoccolillo, M., Tarabulsy, G., et al. (2005). The genetic-environment etiology of parent’s perceptions and self-assessed behaviors toward their 5-month-old infants in a large twin and singleton sample. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(6), 612-630.
  2. Cantin, S., & Boivin, M. (2004). Change and stability in children's social network and self-perceptions during the transition from elementary to junior high school. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28(6), 561-570.
  3. Boivin, M., Vitaro, F. & Poulin, F. (2005). Peer relationships and the development of aggressive behavior in early childhood. In R.E. Tremblay, W. W. Hartup & J. Archer (Eds.), Developmental origins of aggression (pp. 376-397). New York, United States : Guilford Press.
  4. Boivin, M. (2005). The origin of peer relationship difficulties in early childhood and their impact on children’s psychosocial adjustment and development. In Tremblay, R.E., Barr, R.G., Peters RDeV, eds., Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development(online). Montreal, Quebec: Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Development;1-7.
  5. Lamarche, V., Brendgen, M., Boivin, M., et al. (in press). Do friendships and sibling relationships provide protection against peer victimization. Social Development.


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