Ellen Lipman, M.D.


Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

Faculty of Health Science McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences

Appointments, cross appointments, fellowships

  • CEB
  • Psychology
  • Courtesy appointment

Research Interests

Child psychiatric


  1. Lipman EL, Boyle MH, Cunningham C, Kenny M, Sniderman C, Mills B, Evans P, Waymouth M. (2006) Testing Effectiveness of a Community-Based Aggression Management Program for Children 7— 11 years old and Their Families.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (in press)\
  2. Anderson T, Lipman EL, Mills B, Metz H, Teram E, Elbard M, Waymouth M, Sanford M.  (2006) The Recreation Mentoring Program: A Community Engagement Initiative for Children.  Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.  (in press)
  3. Lipman EL, Boyle MH. (2005).  Evaluation of Community-Based Support/Education Groups for Lone Mothers (2005).  Canadian Medical Association Journal 173, 1451—1456.
  4. Lipman EL, Offord DR. (2006) Conduct Disorder in Girls. In: S. Romans and M. Seeman (eds). Women’s Mental Health:  A Life Cycle Approach.  Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  5. Lipman EL, MacMillan HL, Boyle MH, (2001).  Childhood Abuse and Psychiatric Disorders Among Single and Married Mothers.   Excerpted in: The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behaviour Letter, Vol. 17(3), March 2001.


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