MAC-Teen Study


How to access your (un)official transcripts

Please note if your school is not on the list please let us know by email or call 1-888-622-8681.

Algonquin College

Bishop’s University 

Canadore College

Carleton University 

Central Michigan University

Conestoga College 

Durham College 

Fanshawe College

George Brown College

Humber College

Lakehead University

Laurentian University

McMaster University 

Mohawk College 

Mount Allison University

Mount St. Vincent University

Niagara College 

Notre Dame College of OHIO

OCAD University

Queen’s University

Redeemer University College

Ryerson University 

Sheridan College 

Simon Fraser University 

Trent University 

Tyndale University College and Seminary 

University of Guelph

University of Guelph-Humber

University of Hawaii

University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) 

University of Ottawa

University of Toronto 

University of Waterloo

University of Windsor

Western University

York University 

Algonquin College

Grades are available in ACSIS five business days following the end of each course for On-campus Courses. To view and print your grades, select View Grades and the appropriate term in the ACSIS toolbar.

For Online Courses, grades are available three weeks following the course end date: Term Grade Reports will be mailed to students taking print-based Online Learning courses only. If you require a Term Grade Report, contact Registrar’s Office: Telephone 613-727-0002 or Toll-free 1-800-565-4723.

Bishop’s University

How to access your Unofficial Transcript through MyBU:

Step 1: 
Log in to MyBU. MyBU can also be accessed through the Bishop’s homepage by clicking on the link under ‘tools’

Step 2: 
From the menu on the left, click “Unofficial transcript”. You will be prompted to enter your username and password again.
MyBU Transcript

Canadore College


Carleton University

How-to video:

Document will be emailed as a PDF to either your Carleton or Alumni email address within two business days after submission of your request. Note that this method does not include the option to pick up or mail your document or send to a third party.

Central Michigan University

All transcript ordering will take place through the NSC’s website (below). In order to request an unofficial transcript, one simply needs to enter their own email in the recipient section and a transcript will be sent directly to you that can be used for unofficial purposes.

Conestoga College


Durham College

An unofficial transcript is accessible via MyCampus and students are able to print them. Obtain an unofficial copy of your transcript through MyCampus by following these steps:

  • Helpful links on the right hand side
  • Student Records
  • Grades
  • View Unofficial Academic Transcript
  • Follow the steps and print

Can also fill out Transcript Request form online and submit it.

Fanshawe College

Transcripts can be viewed on the WebAdvisor account by viewing the Transcripts options in the Academic Profile section in the Student Menu.

Log in to WebAdvisor by entering username and password.

You can print a non-certified copy from this page. Each person is entitles to five free copies each year.

George Brown College

An unofficial transcript is available within your STU-View account at

Humber College
To obtain an unofficial transcript:

  1. Log into MyHumber.
  2. Click on the “Student” tab.
  3. Click to open Student Records.
  4. Click to open Academic Transcript.

Lakehead University


Laurentian University


McMaster University

Grade information, unofficial transcripts or official transcripts (by request) are available in Mosaic > Student Centre > My Academics > My Academics > Unofficial Transcript.

Note: Ensure pop-ups are enabled for this feature

Mohawk College

Find Final Grades in MyMohawk
Step 1: Log in to MyMohawk

Step 2: Click on Academics



Step 3: Under My Grades, select an option:

MAP My Academic Progress (Full-time)
View your completed courses, grades and courses that are still required to be completed

Mount Allison University

Students can request an official or unofficial copy of their academic transcript through Connect@MTA. If you do not have access, you would have to print and complete transcript request form.

Mount St. Vincent University


Niagara College


Notre Dame College of OHIO

Use link below to log into your account
Follow screenshot below to review your final grades for a semester/tem:







OCAD University

Use link below to access My OCAD U Records (Self-Service). This is where your User Profile, financial and academic grades are located.
Select  Go to My Progress to review At a Glance your Degree Completion Requirements, see your academic progress towards your degree, search for courses in the Course Catalog and view your final course Grades.

Queen’s University

1. On the main page of SOLUS, click on the ‘other academic…’ dropdown box and select Transcript: View Unofficial. Click the Go button 
1. On the main page of SOLUS, click on the ‘other academic…’ dropdown box and select Transcript: View Unofficial. Click the Go button.
2. Ensure Unofficial Transcript is selected from the Report Type dropdown list and then click the View Report button. SOLUS will generate your unofficial transcript and display it in a new window.
2. Ensure Unofficial Transcript is selected from the Report Type dropdown list and then click the View Report button. SOLUS will generate your unofficial transcript and display it in a new window.

Redeemer University College


Ryerson University
View Unofficial Transcript
You can view your unofficial transcript from the Academics section of your home page.

  1. Click the My Academics link in your Student Centre.
  2. Click the View my unofficial transcript link.
  3. Select Unofficial Transcript from the Report Type drop-down.
  4. Click view report.

Your Unofficial Transcript displays in a new window in PDF format. You can use your web browser to print a copy of the transcript. When you are finished, close this window.

Sheridan College

  1. To access the Online Transcript Request, log in to myStudent Centre. Under the Academics section, select "Transcript: Request" from the drop down menu and click the go (>>) button.
  2. To request an eTranscript check the "Send Electronically" option.
  3. You will need to provide authorization to eSCRIP-SAFE to process and distribute. Click "OK" to provide authorization.
  4. You can specify who you wish to receive the eTranscript. If you wish to receive the transcript check the "Send to my Home Address" option.
  5. Click the "Return" button to confirm and submit your request. An email will be sent containing a secure link to access the official e-transcript. Follow the instructions in the email to download a secure copy of your transcript. You need to use a PDF reader to open the delivered transcript.
  6. If you wish to send the transcript to another individual, you will be asked to enter their email address. Click "Submit" to proceed.
  7. You will be asked to confirm the transcript recipient information. You should verify that the individual is willing to accept this secure PDF transcript. To ensure proper notification, request that the individual add to their safe sender email list.
  8. You will receive an email informing you when your transcript has been sent to the specified recipient. Make sure you have followed the instructions in the body of the email to ensure prompt delivery of your transcript.
  9. You will receive emails informing you when your transcript has been electronically delivered and read by the recipient.

Simon Fraser University

  1. Log into your Student Center ( and select “Transcript: Unofficial” under the “other academic...” dropdown menu found in the “Academics” section.
  2. Click on “PDF Format” to access your unofficial transcript in PDF format.
  3. Turn off any pop-up blockers or allow for pop-ups in order to access the document.

Trent University

Login at and click on Trent portal – MyTrent under Related Links. Select the Academics tab, click on Unofficial Transcript.

Tyndale University College and Seminary

  1. Go to
  2. Log-in with your Tyndale username and password
  3. Go to the Academics tab
  4. Select the Academic History link
  5. Select View My Unofficial Transcript

University of Guelph / Guelph Humber

  1. Log in to WebAdvisor.
  2. On the "Students" page, select "Unofficial Transcript" from the menu on the right-hand side (under "Academic Profile").
  3. Select the desired transcript type from the dropdown menu and click "Submit".
  4. This screen displays the unofficial transcript you have chosen.
  5. Click "OK" to return to the main menu.

University of Hawaii

For the fall and spring semesters, grades are typically available for viewing on the Wednesday following the end of the final exam period. To view your grades, log in to STAR GPS. Grades are not mailed. You may view and print your academic record in STAR via Transcripts.

University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)


University of Ottawa

In uoZone, under the Applications tab, select Unofficial transcript.
Note: Ensure pop-up blockers are disabled for this website.

University of Toronto

  1. Login to ACORN and click "Order Transcripts" under the Academics menu tab.
  2. Printing your transcript directly from ACORN using your browser settings is considered an "unofficial" copy of your transcript

University of Waterloo

  1. Log in to Quest.
  2. Select the Academics tile. 

                 Academics tile in quest             

  1. Select the Unofficial Transcript tab.      

    Unofficial transcript tab in quest
Note: You may have to select the term if you aren't currently registered.         

  1. University of Waterloo is the default for the Academic Institution drop-down list. Use the arrow on the Report Type drop-down to select Undergraduate Unofficial or Graduate Unofficial, then select the View Report button.

View unofficial transcript page in quest

  1. Your request will be queued and your status will be updated automatically.
  2. Once ready, your Report Results are displayed as a PDF - ensure you disable any pop-up blockers.
    • After your degree requirements have been completed, you will see your degree information at the top of the transcript, under the "Degrees Awarded" section.

University of Windsor

  1. Log in to UWinsite Student using you UWinID and Password
  2. Click on the Academic Records tile on your Student Homepage.
  3. Select the View Unofficial Transcript tab in the left-hand navigation menu.
    UWindsor Student User Interface
  4. Select UWindsor Unofficial Transcript from the Report Type drop down menu.
  5. Click Submit.
    UWindsor Student User Interface
  6. The system will generate an unofficial University of Windsor transcript, which you can download as a PDF and/or print.
  7. You can also click the View Requested Reports tab to see the dates you have submitted previous unofficial transcript requests.
    UWindsor Student User Interface

Western University

Your Unofficial Transcript is available through Student Center navigate to the Academics section and under Documentation the 3rd link down is Web Academic Report.

When the page loads click the drop down Report Type and choose Web Academic Report and then choose View Report. Your record will open in a new window so ensure you don’t have popup blockers for this site. You can then save it as a pdf or print it.

York University